How to fix, possible reasons, and more
XDefiant closed beta testing phase is currently live. During the beta test, players can experience everything the game has to offer, including gunplay mechanics, factions, and maps. However, as the beta went live, many players were left stranded as they were unable to access the game. The closed beta went live on April 13, 2023, at 10 am PT.
While many players were enjoying the shooter title, few were left behind, stuck on the lobby screen searching for other players. This isn't a system-specific issue, and players have reported it across consoles and PCs.
Ubisoft is yet to address the problem, and there are no official fixes at the moment. However, there are a few workarounds that should enable users to start playing the game. This guide will take a closer look at some of the possible solutions for the 'Searching for player lobby' error in XDefiant.
Guide to solving 'Searching for player lobby' error in XDefiant
As the closed beta test just went live, players worldwide rushed to experience the shooter title. However, it appears this has overloaded the servers. As a result, players are unable to access the game, with some unable to get past the main menu.
But those who can and start a queue find themselves amidst the 'Searching for player lobby' error, where they are unable to find matches with other players. In fact, some aren't even able to access the Practice Range as the game gets stuck and won't allow players to load in.
Although these issues can be frustrating, the following should eliminate most of the problems. However, it is worth noting that these aren't foolproof fixes and are rather temporary workarounds that enable players to access XDefiant. Keeping this in mind, the following are some possible fixes:
1) Flush DNS
One of the most common and quick fixes is to flush the DNS servers. This, however, will only work on a Windows PC. To do so, press the Win+R keys simultaneously. Now, type 'cmd' in the Run window and press enter. This will bring up the Command Prompt. Here, type in the following:
ipconfig /flushdnsPress enter. If the command is successfully executed, you will be greeted with the following message: "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache."
2) Use a VPN
While not the most ideal solution, using a VPN can help with matchmaking. Many VPNs allow players to connect to different regions of the world, such as Mudfish and ExitLag. It is recommended to connect to a region where it is not past midnight, as it increases the probability of more players being awake and thus helps you find matches.
3) Restart your router
One of the easiest solutions is to restart the router. It often helps resolve internet issues and isn't that different in this case either. Routers can sometimes get bogged down with traffic, and a restart can help clear out any congestion. Also, since the connection resets immediately, it is worth trying.
4) Wait for a fix
XDefiant servers are currently down due to an overwhelming number of players trying to play the game. The same situation was observed when Overwatch 2 was launched. Hence, players are advised to wait for a while until the servers stabilize.
This is all there is to know about possibly fixing the 'Searching for player lobby' error in XDefiant. The closed beta testing phase will end on April 23, 2023, at 11 pm PT. This gives players ample time as they wait for the servers to stabilize. However, they can try any of the above fixes to potentially mitigate the issue.
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