How to unlock loadouts in Warzone

Publish date: 2024-06-18

Call of Duty Warzone offers some basic loadouts to newcomers that can be equipped from drops or bought from Buy Stations. You cannot create your class as the entire custom loadout section is initially locked when you play the game for the first time. However, as you progress through the levels, you can access different items and guns you can use in future custom loadouts and weapon builds.

Warzone can be challenging at times for fresh players as it requires a lot of grind and effort to earn XP and level up. Regardless, it is something you need to overcome to be able to utilize high-tier attachments, equipment, and perks. Moreover, playing a few matches in a day can boost your level as the points quickly accumulate in the account.

This article will highlight the best way to unlock custom loadouts in Warzone.

How to get access to custom loadouts in Warzone

Here is a quick guide that you can utilize to build your loadouts in Warzone.

Resurgence is one of the best game modes in Activision’s battle royale to help you raise your account level quickly. Furthermore, you can utilize any available Double XP Tokens to accumulate more points and progress even further.

Why is a higher account level better in Warzone?

A higher account level can be beneficial for players as it unlocks new equipment, items, and killstreaks. Moreover, the chance of you getting more skilled players in the lobby also increases, which in turn can help you learn the game and rank up faster. This might seem unfair, but it can go a long way in helping the newer players understand the game and its basic mechanics.

Weapons also have different unlock criteria associated with the player account level. The new Modern Warfare 3 title introduced Armory Challenges as well to help users gain access to better weapons. By creating custom loadouts with new weapons, you can raise their progression to get new attachments and create better builds.

Fans and enthusiasts can keep an eye out for the official Twitter (X) page of Call of Duty for announcements and news. Be sure to follow Sportskeeda for more updates and weapon build guides.

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