Liam Browns cow claim sparks wild reactions online

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Liam Brown, a man from Britain pleaded guilty to sneaking into a farm and carrying out inappropriate acts with a living animal, a cow, in Burton, Dorset. The incident came to light in June 2022 when the 25-year-old was caught red-handed after sneaking into a farm.

Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of an inappropriate act on an animal. Reader discretion is advised.

The farmers set up surveillance cameras and alarms around their property after they were suspicious that their livestock was being abused. Additionally, DNA samples taken from a calf indicated that the act took place on June 12, 2022.

Liam Brown hails from Grosvenor Gardens, Bournemouth. He was seen sobbing at Poole Magistrates Court as he pleaded guilty to the act and causing "unnecessary suffering to a protected animal."

News of the incident sparked wild reactions among internet users. While some were furious about the incident, others made sarcastic comments about the same, with one person even saying:

A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @TobyTurner)

"Lock than man up twice": Liam Brown's guilty plea leaves netizens appalled

News of Liam Brown's confession to the act left netizens shocked and agitated. Many were quick to express their disgust with some commenting they were disappointed in humanity while others said that Brown should be locked up twice. They shared memes and sarcastic remarks to highlight their displeasure.

A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @Trunnia_, @lecrvm) )
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @Bustelo_Bricks)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @thegreatpelumi)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @crypromuse)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @nftsofiawhite)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @Chalkedpost)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @vanessasierra00)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @GimkNFT)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @070guy)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @LegalMovesOnly)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @MikkoOllikaine)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter / @TheCryptoHatter)

Farmers from the Burton farm have known Liam Brown since he was a child

In his statement, the Prosecutor Lawyer Charles Nightingale explained that his client was familiar with Brown and his family. He said that the Brown family had been regularly employed at the farm since Liam was just a child. Nightingale added:

"The family who own the farm want (Liam Brown) nowhere near it."

Magistrates at the court stated that they were passing the case to the crown court as "the offense is so serious" that Liam needed a greater punishment than they could give.

Defending lawyer, Harry Price-Smith also agreed that the sentencing should be given at the crown court. He added that Liam Brown was released on unconditional bail after finding his records clean and he had not returned to the farm since the incident.

Liam's sentencing is scheduled for September 22, 2023, at the Bournemouth Crown Court.

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