Piero Barone: dating, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body facts
Publish date: 2024-06-23
On 24-6-1993 Piero Barone (nickname: Piero) was born in Naro, Italy. He made his 3.4 million dollar fortune with II Volo. The musician is currently single, his starsign is Cancer and he is now 29 years of age.Piero Barone Facts & Wiki
Where does Piero Barone live? And how much money does Piero Barone earn?
Birth Date | 24-6-1993 |
Heritage/origin | Italian |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion – believes in God? | Roman Catholic |
Residence | He owns an apartment in Naro, Italy. |
Piero Barone Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
Estimated Net Worth | 3.4 million Dollar |
Yearly Salary | N/A |
Product Endorsements | II Volo |
Mini Cooper
Piero Barone: Single, Dating, Family & Friends
Who is Piero Barone dating in 2023?
Relationship status | Single |
Sexuality | Straight |
Partner | Currently in no confirmed relationship |
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives | |
Has any kids? | No |
Shall the Italian musician Piero Barone find love in 2023?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Gaetano Barone (Father)
Eleonora Ognibene (Mother)
Gianluca Ginoble
Skin, Hair & Eye Color
This cool talented headstrong musician originating from Naro, Italy has a athletic body & oval face type.Hair color | Dark brown |
Hair type | Straight |
Hair Length | short hair |
Hairstyle | chic |
Distinct feature | chin |
Skin Tone/Complexion | Type II: Fair skin |
Skin Type | Normal |
Beard or Mustache | Beardless |
Eye Color | Dark Brown |
Does Piero Barone smoke? | No, never |
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style
Height | 175 cm | Weight | 63 kilo | Clothing style | alternative |
Favorite colors | blue |
Feet size | N/A |
Does Piero Barone have a tattoo? | No |
Official websites/fansites: www.ilvolomusic.com
Does Piero Barone have official Social Media profiles?