What are the current WWE Women's Champions rankings?

Publish date: 2024-06-27

For many years, the PWI 500 has ranked the top male wrestlers in both WWE and the wrestling world as a whole. Pro Wrestling Illustrated included women in their list from 1993 up until 2008. From that point forward, the magazine company released a separate list just for female athletes.

The list for women began at just 50 but has grown to 250 as of this year. Of those 250 competitors, over 30 are WWE Superstars. In fact, every current female champion in the promotion is part of this year's list, although there is some controversy behind it.

Rhea Ripley, the reigning Women's World Champion, came in at #1 on the list. The spot makes sense, given her dominance over the top promotion in the world. The WWE Women's Champion IYO SKY was included in the #24 spot, which seems quite low given her role in the promotion.

The spot most egregious to fans, however, is Becky Lynch, who is ranked at #29. The reigning NXT Women's Champion, who is arguably the best women's wrestler in the world, clocking in so low is certainly a big surprise.

The other two female champions in World Wrestling Entertainment are Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. The reigning Women's Tag Team Champions also made the list at #142 for the Scottish star and #150 for Green.

Other female WWE stars made up the list

Another thirty or so stars of WWE's women's division made the list. Bianca Belair is the only performer besides Rhea to make the top 10, as she was ranked #3. Asuka just missed it, however, as she was ranked #11.

Jade Cargill, the company's most recent major female signing, came in at #14. Trailing her at #15 is NXT's Roxanne Perez. Charlotte Flair, Ronda Rousey, and Tiffany Stratton all helped make up the 20 through 30 spots.

In total, 12 RAW stars made the final list. These performers include Rhea Ripley, Becky Lynch, Liv Morgan, Indi Hartwell, Shayna Baszler, Raquel Rodriguez, Zoey Stark, Natalya, Piper Niven, Chelsea Green, Candice LeRae, and Nikki Cross.

Meanwhile, a total of eight female stars from WWE SmackDown made the cut. This includes Bianca Belair, Asuka, Charlotte Flair, IYO SKY, Bayley, Zelina Vega, Shotzi, and Michin Mia Yim.

11 stars from NXT were included. This includes Roxanne Perez, Tiffany Stratton, Cora Jade, Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne, Thea Hail, Blair Davenport, Kiana James, Lyra Valkyria, Ivy Nile, and Fallon Henley.

Lastly, both Jade Cargill and Ronda Rousey were included, although the first is yet to be assigned a brand, and the latter is potentially retired.

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